Whitianga Public Services
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Made in Whitianga

Whitianga Public Services

30 results - showing 1 - 24
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Mercury Bay Area School is a Year 1-13 rural, co-educational multi-level state area school with a roll of over 1...
The Mercury Bay Community Public Pool is open to the public for summer hours and during term time to enjoy a swi...
There is something for everyone at the Mercury Bay Library (located in Whitianga) from the latest novels, childr...
The Coromandel Rescue Helicopter Trust was established to develop and support the permanent helicopter base and ...
Find a Justice of the Peace in Cooks Beach to assist with witnessing, certifying, completing declarations and mo...
JFind a Justice of the Peace in Kuaotunu / Opito Bay / Otama to assist with witnessing, certifying, completing d...
 Find a Justice of the Peace in Whitianga to assist with witnessing, certifying, completing declarations and mor...
Find a Justice of the Peace in Matarangi to assist with witnessing, certifying, completing declarations and more...
Find a Justice of the Peace in Coroglen / Wehnuakite to assist with witnessing, certifying, completing declarati...
Find a Justice of the Peace in Cooks Beach to assist with witnessing, certifying, completing declarations and mo...
The Hahei Harsant Library is a great library for residents and holidaymakers.
The harbourmaster is employed by Waikato Regional Council to manage navigation safety in Whitianga and the Mercu...
The Thames-Coromandel District Council (TCDC) is responsible for delivering a wide range of activities on the Co...
The Whitianga Volunteer Fire Brigade has a state of the art station supported by over 30 volunteer firefighters....
Phone (07) 866 4000 or 111 for emergency calls. 
St John Whitianga is run and staffed by people who are passionate about serving the Mercury Bay community and ca...
Matarangi Volunteer Rural Fire Force is a key local emergency service group in Matarangi.
Kuaotunu Volunteer Rural Fire Force based in Kuaotunu township.
LANDSAR Kuaotunu Search & Rescue was established in 2004 and is a volunteer search and rescue group that is affi...
Hahei Volunteer Fire Brigade based in Hahei as a local emergency service response service.
The Cooks Beach Volunteer Fire Brigade is supported by local fire fighting volunteers.
Whitianga Coastguard is supported by dedicated volunteers in and around Whitianga who provide Search and Rescue ...
Te Rerenga School is a small rural school, situated on State Highway 25, that caters for year 1-8 students.
Closed now
An incredible lifeguard team at Hot Water Beach near Whitianga provide visitors and the local community with lif...
30 results - showing 1 - 24
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