Whitianga Environment & Conservation Groups
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Whitianga Environment & Conservation Groups

9 results - showing 1 - 9
Wāhi Tukurua – Mercury Bay Resource Recovery Centre Trust (MBRRCT) is a fledgling charitable trust created in 20...
In 1992 Te Whanganui-O-Hei became the first marine reserve on the Coromandel Peninsula. The Friends of Te Whanga...
Kauri 2000 Trust is a long term project that supports and advocates to recreate significant stands of kauri on p...
Preserve New Chum for Everyone is a Registered Charity. Our governing committee comprises like minded persons co...
The Purangi Conservation Trust is working to control pests and ultimately eradicate them for the natural enhance...
Project Kiwi Trust works on the Kuaotunu Peninsula and coordinates a programme of initiatives with the support o...
Whenuakite Kiwi Care group works across 4000 ha of private and conservation land to care for kiwi and their habi...
If you are interested in the environment and would like to grow or develop digital film making skills contact Th...
Forest and Bird protect and care for native species and their habitats.
9 results - showing 1 - 9